Hydraulic Down-Pressure System: We introduced the UniForce in 2016, and it’s a big game changer for those who have ever watched the openers on their John Deere drill bounce on uneven terrain. Also, there will be less need to weigh down your equipment with suitcase weights, which stresses the frame, hinge points, etc. over time! This unique, hydraulic down-pressure system applies consistent pressure to each opener in each row, which leads to consistent seed furrow depths and to uniform crop emergence. No more of those late maturing plants!
Spoked (“spiked”) Closing Wheels: Our Thompson Wheels shatter sidewalls for the best root penetration, which often times leads to faster, more uniform crop growth. Faster emergence, too, since the soil isn’t overpacked above the seed.
Firming Wheels: Years in the making, the sleek shape of our DuraLok firming wheels stay clean, fit the seed furrow very snugly, and shed mud, stalks, and even straw.
Wire Stiffeners For Keeton Seed Firmers: The Keeton seed firmer was designed to apply pressure where it’s needed in no till farming – at the bottom of the seed furrow (a big plus in no till farming, since the soils have structure and pressure from the surface down is less effective, and often overpacks the sidewalls). Our Mojo wire can add up to 5 times the pressure and helps to improve the self-cleaning action of the Keeton.
Seed Bounce Flaps (Tabs): The standard seed flaps that come with John Deere 50 series, 60 series, 90 series no till drills are designed to keep seeds from bouncing out of the furrows during planting. But because of their straight design, they leave a triangular gap in the soil, from which seeds do bounce out. That’s why we invented the Ninja Seed Bounce Flap, with a forward-design bend that helps close the gap and deflects the seeds downward into the bottom of the furrow. The Ninja flap is also flexible, and won’t break off like other designs.
Drill Opener Blades: The Forges de Niaux 200 opener blade for John Deere 50, 60 and 90 drills is the best on the market! Stronger, sharper, longer wear life.
Bushing Kits: No more packed dirt in the firming and closing arm pivots of your John Deere 50, 60, and 90 drills! And no more need to grease – these are designed to run dry. Less expensive than OEM, with equal or better durability.
While some manufacturers of farming equipment sell drills that they designate as “no till,” most of it isn’t actually all that effective for no till planting. (The same is true for planters.)
The primary exception is John Deere, which makes these no till drills:
But even these John Deere OEM drills have plenty of room for improvements. We’ve taken on that challenge and designed durable, effective, easy-to-use parts, attachments, add-ons, and equipment for no till drills.
Above, and in the diagram below, are some of our top-selling products for no till drills.
For more information on how you can make your drill more effective for no till planting, please call (800) 417-8020, or e-mail info@notillagriculture.com.
Please Note: In addition to selling add-ons, attachments, parts, and equipment for John Deere, we also have products for Kinze, Monosem, Case IH, Great Plains, AGCO-White, and other manufacturers of farming equipment. Learn more about aftermarket no till drill parts. Since 1998, we’ve been manufacturing no till equipment, add-ons, and products that we ship throughout the U.S., Canada, and across the world.