If you want your no till planting to yield the best crops, you need to get your seeds embedded into the moist bottom of the seed furrow. If you can accomplish this, you are virtually guaranteed a higher percentage of stand establishment, as well as similar timing of emergence.
When all of the seeds have enough moisture to germinate, they are more likely to grow at the same rate. A good beginning – with less late or fragile plants – sets the stage for a good, robust crop.
Adequate Seed Moisture In No Till Planting
One of the best ways to ensure adequate seed moisture is to add Keeton seed firmers to your no till planters and drills. The Keeton seed firmer is one of the best pieces of no till equipment ever introduced to the market, and they perform even better with the the addition of our Mojo wire stiffeners. The stiffeners increase the pressure of the Keeton seed firmer by up to 5 times and scour themselves clean against the seed furrow sidewalls.
The Latest Model Of Keeton Seed Firmers
“Non-stick” Keeton seed firmers are now available that shed mud better than the traditional Keetons, which are made from white nylon. The latest version of Keeton seed firmers apply more pressure than their predecessors, but we’re still recommending that you add Mojo wire stiffeners to them for the best results.
Over the years, we’ve tested the impact of adding Mojo wire stiffeners to Keetons, and the results have been clear and astounding. In fact, the stands became so consistent and so good, that the seed drop could be pared back significantly.
Check out our catalog of no till equipment parts – you can view, download a PDF, or we’ll be happy to mail you a catalog.
Do you have questions about how to get moisture to your seeds with no till planting? Maybe you’d like more info. on how the soil is effected by no till farming? Please call us (800) 417-8020, or e-mail info@notillagriculture.com.
Note: All of our no till equipment, add-ons, parts, and after-market products can be shipped anywhere in the U.S., Canada, and the world.